Wednesday, April 24, 2013

C4K #9

C4K #9

This week I was assigned Andrew M, a 4th grader in Mrs. Geldes class. He wrote a paragraph about his homeland Nebraska. He said they are the number one state to grow soy beans and corn, the 911 system was created there, they have the biggest chicken show, and he asked "what is your number 1 fact? and what is your home like?"

In my response I told him that I was from USA and that I had no idea about any of the facts he described in his post! The one thing I said he could improve on for his next blog was to make a space after every period and always capitalize the first word in every sentence. They I went on and said what Alabama was like and that I was originally from Wisconsin, and that I enjoyed reading his blog.

C4K #10

 This week I read Logan's blog in Mrs. Morris's class at Leopold Primary School in Victoria, Australia! His most recent blog post was about his Easter break. He told how he had an Easter egg hunt and had lunch with his family. Next, he talked about his hobby for BMX riding and told about all of the new tricks he learned how to do. Then, he talked about his nature walk with his family at Ocean Grove and how he saw a 200 year old hollow tree and they found butterflies "escorting" them to their car. Last, he talked about his friend's 10th birthday party and they just went to skate-parks.

My comment was just telling him who I was and where I was from. I mentioned that I miss Easter egg hunts and that my Mom still gives me and Easter basket every year. I also told him how I've never met anyone who's hobby is bmx riding and that I've always wanted to try! Then I reminded him that nature is a beautiful thing and wished him good luck on the rest of his blogging!

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