My group and I had a conversation over Google Docs discussing what our lesson plan was for our Smart Board project. Charlene and I were the students and Chelsea was our teacher. We decided to review vocabulary words of the plant cell.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Project #13
My group and I had a conversation over Google Docs discussing what our lesson plan was for our Smart Board project. Charlene and I were the students and Chelsea was our teacher. We decided to review vocabulary words of the plant cell.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Project #9
Final Report for PLN
My personal learning network has improved this semester. I've managed to find many people in the education department who can help me throughout my career. I believe that the most important part of my PLN is to interact with people across the globe and find the best technology to use in my future classroom. My Pinterest account and Twitter have probably been the most beneficial sites for me this semester. I will continue to use my PLN for my career. It helps me organize sources and group them by personal or educational categories.
My personal learning network has improved this semester. I've managed to find many people in the education department who can help me throughout my career. I believe that the most important part of my PLN is to interact with people across the globe and find the best technology to use in my future classroom. My Pinterest account and Twitter have probably been the most beneficial sites for me this semester. I will continue to use my PLN for my career. It helps me organize sources and group them by personal or educational categories.
Blog Post #14
2. Teachers Know if you have opened books and spent time reading the information with the new tracking software, CourseSmart, on computers for textbooks. It shows the teacher how many times a student opened the book and for how long. After analyzing the data, teachers concluded that students procrastinated yet still made good grades on the quizzes. This made the teachers think "is the course too easy or is the book not a good enough source of information?"
3. In my opinion, CourseSmart is a waste of time. Regardless of how good quizzes and tests grades are, students will lie and procrastinate because it is their choice on how much effort to put in what what study habits work best for them. If you have students read from a textbook more than you teach, what are you there for? Everyone learns better when they learn hands-on and engage in activities; not just reading a book. My teaching strategies will less likely revolve around a book and more around in-class participation This way you can see and understand how each student views things and how the way they interrupt ideas and techniques.
4. If I were a student and my professor tracked my study habits I would lie, especially if I already knew what the book was talking about. I could open the e-text and leave it opened while doing something completely different and my professor would never know. Like I said earlier, teachers should be more focused on their teaching techniques than how many students are reading the book. If you teach me well enough, there is no need to read facts out of a book!
5. If I talked to the teacher of the class in the article I would ask "why do you care so much about how long students are reading the book?" I would also ask why don't they take the key facts out of the book and put them into their lesson plans? Students should be doing comprehension quizzes on what was discussed in class rather than reading a book.
6. The students of that class are probably thinking the same thing I am "why am I being tracked? The only thing that should matter is my quiz and test grades." So I would ask them how they felt about the CourseSmart program and if they think it helped them or if they just lied about the amount of time they actually read the textbook.
7. My comment to that article would be I'm glad teachers are concerned about our study habits, but why are they concerned about how much time we spend reading a book when they should be concerned with how well we are comprehending the information?
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
C4K #9
C4K #9
This week I was assigned Andrew M, a 4th grader in Mrs. Geldes class. He wrote a paragraph about his homeland Nebraska. He said they are the number one state to grow soy beans and corn, the 911 system was created there, they have the biggest chicken show, and he asked "what is your number 1 fact? and what is your home like?"
In my response I told him that I was from USA and that I had no idea about any of the facts he described in his post! The one thing I said he could improve on for his next blog was to make a space after every period and always capitalize the first word in every sentence. They I went on and said what Alabama was like and that I was originally from Wisconsin, and that I enjoyed reading his blog.
C4K #10
This week I read Logan's blog in Mrs. Morris's class at Leopold Primary School in Victoria, Australia! His most recent blog post was about his Easter break. He told how he had an Easter egg hunt and had lunch with his family. Next, he talked about his hobby for BMX riding and told about all of the new tricks he learned how to do. Then, he talked about his nature walk with his family at Ocean Grove and how he saw a 200 year old hollow tree and they found butterflies "escorting" them to their car. Last, he talked about his friend's 10th birthday party and they just went to skate-parks.
My comment was just telling him who I was and where I was from. I mentioned that I miss Easter egg hunts and that my Mom still gives me and Easter basket every year. I also told him how I've never met anyone who's hobby is bmx riding and that I've always wanted to try! Then I reminded him that nature is a beautiful thing and wished him good luck on the rest of his blogging!
This week I was assigned Andrew M, a 4th grader in Mrs. Geldes class. He wrote a paragraph about his homeland Nebraska. He said they are the number one state to grow soy beans and corn, the 911 system was created there, they have the biggest chicken show, and he asked "what is your number 1 fact? and what is your home like?"
In my response I told him that I was from USA and that I had no idea about any of the facts he described in his post! The one thing I said he could improve on for his next blog was to make a space after every period and always capitalize the first word in every sentence. They I went on and said what Alabama was like and that I was originally from Wisconsin, and that I enjoyed reading his blog.
C4K #10
My comment was just telling him who I was and where I was from. I mentioned that I miss Easter egg hunts and that my Mom still gives me and Easter basket every year. I also told him how I've never met anyone who's hobby is bmx riding and that I've always wanted to try! Then I reminded him that nature is a beautiful thing and wished him good luck on the rest of his blogging!
C4T #4
Post #1
This week I was assigned to Mrs. Morris's blog site Primary Tech and on April 8th she posted "Benefits of Blogging by Linda Yollis and class. She posted a YouTube video that Mrs. Yollis created explaining why blogging is a great way to educate students.
In my comment I simply introduced myself and said it seems like everywhere I turn there are more and more teachers incorporating blogging into their classrooms. I also said how it is a great way to spark students creativity and imagination. I told her that I definitely plan on using blogging when I become a teacher and I thanked her for sharing Lidia's video.
Post #2
Today's blog post from Kathleen Morris was about how she has created a 1:1 computer ratio with her students and has them all managing their own blog. She gives the steps and procedures about how to start and educate students-- especially about safety, how to comment correctly, and the terminology of blogger-- to expand their writing, reading, and interacting skills.
In my comment I told her where I was from and that she has inspired me to start my own student blog assignments once I become a teacher. I thanked her and hoped that my students would be just as excited to blog as hers are now!
Post #2
Today's blog post from Kathleen Morris was about how she has created a 1:1 computer ratio with her students and has them all managing their own blog. She gives the steps and procedures about how to start and educate students-- especially about safety, how to comment correctly, and the terminology of blogger-- to expand their writing, reading, and interacting skills.
In my comment I told her where I was from and that she has inspired me to start my own student blog assignments once I become a teacher. I thanked her and hoped that my students would be just as excited to blog as hers are now!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Blog Post #13
My TEDx Talk by Brian Crosby was a great video to see the education level students are at now days. He says that the students have had a narrow curriculum since the beginning of school that that is where the problem starts. Brian has technology incorporated into his classroom and lesson plans. He really lets the students get involved and do hand on experiments. The kids loved the projects and they remember what they researched and answer questions to work on comprehension skills. Brian also talks about his class blogging and Wiki pages. His balloon project would be very fun to do and the students can be creative and unique, especially when kids can use the technology and create a video to design their "experience." The actual video that they had in the balloon was amazing! The best part about his project was that they all got to interact with different people around the world! I would definitely do a project like this in my classroom!
Paul Anderson is very inspirational. His idea of the Blended Learning Cycle is very effective. He combines online, mobile, and classroom learning spaces with engaging, exlopring, explaining, expanding, and evaluating new ideas which he translates to "quivers". His disk mirror demonstration is a great way to get the students attention which will lead to a question to start the learning. Next, is to investigate and have students experiment. Then he makes a video, which lets him review and lets him be able to do other things. Elaboration is the next step, which can go form assigning them reading to diagrams and explaining the physics and the importance of it. After you elabortate, review with the students in small groups and ask them questions to check their understanding. The last step is the summary quiz to test them on what they just learned. This is a great way to get students involved and get them on the right track to learning new things. I love how he believes that someone hasn't really learned something until they can explain it to someone else!
Final Project Progress Report
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Blog Post #12
1. Create your very own Pinterest account.
2. Once you have created your account, go to Categories and click Education. Follow 5-10 people whom you think could benefit you.
3. Create a new Board and label it Teaching Ideas.
4. Pin as many creative or educational ideas you see to your Board that would be useful in your classroom.
5. Write two or more paragraphs of what ideas and techniques you came across and why you think they are beneficial. There are always new projects and ideas people share so I would advise you to search the Education category more than just once for this assignment! Pin away!
I created this blog post assignment to show students that Pinterest can be beneficial to any teacher. Since I am going to be an elementary school teacher, I need to have ideas and projects for any grade level and subject and I need to keep things hands-on and interesting in order to keep my students intrigued. There are hundreds of new art projects, organization ideas, and teaching methods posted every day which is why I think it is important to constantly be thinking of how to improve lesson plans and assignments. I know there was already a Pinterest blog assignment, but I think having students follow people of their choice and telling why they pinned an idea is more rewarding them making them choose from a particular list of people and saying why they followed them. My intention of this way of Pinterest is to look more into ideas people come across rather than how to use Pinterest. The students may even keep adding to their teaching board even after edm310 if they have their freedom to chose who and what they Pin.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
C4T #3
Post #1-- Langwitches Blog
March 18, 2013
This week's post from Langwitches blog site is about educating teachers on why and how to use media in their classrooms. It emphasizes that all teachers need to incorporate blogging into their classrooms because it is a new writing genre and can expand reading and writing skills, get connections for the future, and improve their presentation skills.
There is a method introduced for continuing blogfolios throughout a students school years (K-8). Each page is one grade level and has two main sections: Classroom blog, and student blogs. The Classroom blog explains the teacher's and students responsibilities regarding the blogs. The student blog section explains new skills, categories, reflections, and examples of learning artifacts for each grade. Personally, I think this is a very effective method because it incorporates all the teachers and students at the school so everyone is kept up to speed. I know I will be one of the up-to-date with technology teachers at my future school since technology is the future. This blog really makes me want to get my students involved with blog posts.
My comment stated that I think this method is a great idea. It lets students actually see their improvements in the classroom and I look forward to using this method in my future teaching career. I also said that I'm currently an elementary Education Major at USA and that our professors are getting us technologically prepared for our future jobs.
Post #2-- Langwitches Blog
April 3, 2013
This week's blog had nothing to do with education. It was strictly about the flood in Buenos Aires that Silvia got word of on her way home from visiting her family. She said the water rose in her mother's apartment by 1 meter and she asked for people to donate for supplies. I did not comment because it has nothing to do with education and the least of her worries is reading my comment about how sorry I am that this tragedy happened.
March 18, 2013
This week's post from Langwitches blog site is about educating teachers on why and how to use media in their classrooms. It emphasizes that all teachers need to incorporate blogging into their classrooms because it is a new writing genre and can expand reading and writing skills, get connections for the future, and improve their presentation skills.
There is a method introduced for continuing blogfolios throughout a students school years (K-8). Each page is one grade level and has two main sections: Classroom blog, and student blogs. The Classroom blog explains the teacher's and students responsibilities regarding the blogs. The student blog section explains new skills, categories, reflections, and examples of learning artifacts for each grade. Personally, I think this is a very effective method because it incorporates all the teachers and students at the school so everyone is kept up to speed. I know I will be one of the up-to-date with technology teachers at my future school since technology is the future. This blog really makes me want to get my students involved with blog posts.
My comment stated that I think this method is a great idea. It lets students actually see their improvements in the classroom and I look forward to using this method in my future teaching career. I also said that I'm currently an elementary Education Major at USA and that our professors are getting us technologically prepared for our future jobs.
Post #2-- Langwitches Blog
April 3, 2013
This week's blog had nothing to do with education. It was strictly about the flood in Buenos Aires that Silvia got word of on her way home from visiting her family. She said the water rose in her mother's apartment by 1 meter and she asked for people to donate for supplies. I did not comment because it has nothing to do with education and the least of her worries is reading my comment about how sorry I am that this tragedy happened.
C4K #5
C4K #5
This week I was assigned to Andres, a student in Miss Mac's class. His blog was about Whale sharks. He stated that they are the second largest fish in the world, they prefer living in warm water, and eat plankton. My comment was just introducing myself and letting him know I never knew those facts about that type of whale. I also asked why such a big shark like that would only eat plankton? I Told him he did a great job and to keep up the good work!
C4K #6
This week I read Emily's blog from Mr. Seyfert's class in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Her blog was about a book called "Uglies" by Scott Westerfield that she read. In the post she compared herself to a character in the book, Tally. She said they were similar because they were both adventurous and loves trying new things. Next, she said they were unlike each other because Tally wanted to be like everyone else. In my comment, I told her who I was and that I'm actually originally from Wisconsin. I told her how much I was thrilled to hear that she like to be different and that her post inspired me to read the book! I ended the comment with saying great job and good luck with blogging!
C4K #7
I had the same girl Emily this week from Mr. Seyfert's class. This week she wrote about an article she read in the Time For Kids magazine about internet safety. She listed the different groups and organizations that were created to help protect kids from harmful internet information. She then went on and talked about ways to prevent internet corruption such as not giving out your phone number or address unless you know it is confidential. My comment to on her blog was just saying how I never knew there were so many different organizations and that I was glad to know she read the Time For Kids magazine. I also told her to keep up the good work!
C4K #8
I was assigned a kids blog who's name was Basketball #1 (talk about safety of students). This student is in junior high and is in Mrs. Krebs class blog. The blog had a video posted from YouTube about bullying and it was amazing to watch. It really showed the effects bullying has on others. My comment was just stating that I was a student in edm310 and that I enjoyed watching the video and how I could relate to it. I also said how I hoped that that particular student didn't bully anyone because it could really hurt someone. I wished them good luck with blogging!
This week I was assigned to Andres, a student in Miss Mac's class. His blog was about Whale sharks. He stated that they are the second largest fish in the world, they prefer living in warm water, and eat plankton. My comment was just introducing myself and letting him know I never knew those facts about that type of whale. I also asked why such a big shark like that would only eat plankton? I Told him he did a great job and to keep up the good work!
C4K #6
This week I read Emily's blog from Mr. Seyfert's class in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Her blog was about a book called "Uglies" by Scott Westerfield that she read. In the post she compared herself to a character in the book, Tally. She said they were similar because they were both adventurous and loves trying new things. Next, she said they were unlike each other because Tally wanted to be like everyone else. In my comment, I told her who I was and that I'm actually originally from Wisconsin. I told her how much I was thrilled to hear that she like to be different and that her post inspired me to read the book! I ended the comment with saying great job and good luck with blogging!
C4K #7
I had the same girl Emily this week from Mr. Seyfert's class. This week she wrote about an article she read in the Time For Kids magazine about internet safety. She listed the different groups and organizations that were created to help protect kids from harmful internet information. She then went on and talked about ways to prevent internet corruption such as not giving out your phone number or address unless you know it is confidential. My comment to on her blog was just saying how I never knew there were so many different organizations and that I was glad to know she read the Time For Kids magazine. I also told her to keep up the good work!
C4K #8
I was assigned a kids blog who's name was Basketball #1 (talk about safety of students). This student is in junior high and is in Mrs. Krebs class blog. The blog had a video posted from YouTube about bullying and it was amazing to watch. It really showed the effects bullying has on others. My comment was just stating that I was a student in edm310 and that I enjoyed watching the video and how I could relate to it. I also said how I hoped that that particular student didn't bully anyone because it could really hurt someone. I wished them good luck with blogging!
Blog Post #11
Mrs. Cassidy's Skype Video

I think Mrs.Cassidy is an amazing role model for future teachers! For her to start and create her own way of teaching through technology is very inspirational. I love all of the techniques and ideas she shared with us.
First off, teaching her students how to use the internet is a key factor in learning and blogging. So in order for her to teach about it, she had to learn about it herself, which is why I am thankful for this EDM310 class! I have already learned so much and I will continue to expand my technology knowledge throughout my teaching career.
Another important issue that caught my eye is how Mrs. Cassidy incorporates technology into her lesson plans and teaching. I love how she created a class blog for her students. She kept in mind their safety by keeping each student's blog to a first name basis and not posting personal pictures. She said depending on the year, the students may be assigned one blog a week, maybe two. It's also a great way for parents to see their child's improvement throughout the school year. In the video she made, some of the students said how blogging and helped them become better writers and how excited they get when they receive comments and feedback on their own work. She also talked about how the internet is a great place to collaborate ans learn from other people, which I completely agree with!
I am almost positive that when I become a teacher, I will be having a class blog. There is so much more freedom and knowledge when using a computer. These two things together make for great learning skills. For example, I might assign my students to read a book for class then have them write a blog summarizing the book and why they did or did not like it. Another thing I will encourage my students to do is to use Wiki, which is a place students can ask any questions and have people from around the world answer them.
The one thing I am most worried about once I become a teacher is if my faculty and administration will allow me to do the blogging and if they have the technology to do so. Having support from another staff member at the school is a great help, just like Mrs. Cassidy had who helped her pursue her idea of using technology.
In conclusion, "technology isn't going away," Mrs. Cassidy says and I agree with her. The better technologically literate I become the better. I have learned so many different techniques to use and sites to get help from and I am truly thankful for technology, otherwise my hand would hurt from writing all of this on paper.
I think Mrs.Cassidy is an amazing role model for future teachers! For her to start and create her own way of teaching through technology is very inspirational. I love all of the techniques and ideas she shared with us.
First off, teaching her students how to use the internet is a key factor in learning and blogging. So in order for her to teach about it, she had to learn about it herself, which is why I am thankful for this EDM310 class! I have already learned so much and I will continue to expand my technology knowledge throughout my teaching career.
Another important issue that caught my eye is how Mrs. Cassidy incorporates technology into her lesson plans and teaching. I love how she created a class blog for her students. She kept in mind their safety by keeping each student's blog to a first name basis and not posting personal pictures. She said depending on the year, the students may be assigned one blog a week, maybe two. It's also a great way for parents to see their child's improvement throughout the school year. In the video she made, some of the students said how blogging and helped them become better writers and how excited they get when they receive comments and feedback on their own work. She also talked about how the internet is a great place to collaborate ans learn from other people, which I completely agree with!
I am almost positive that when I become a teacher, I will be having a class blog. There is so much more freedom and knowledge when using a computer. These two things together make for great learning skills. For example, I might assign my students to read a book for class then have them write a blog summarizing the book and why they did or did not like it. Another thing I will encourage my students to do is to use Wiki, which is a place students can ask any questions and have people from around the world answer them.
The one thing I am most worried about once I become a teacher is if my faculty and administration will allow me to do the blogging and if they have the technology to do so. Having support from another staff member at the school is a great help, just like Mrs. Cassidy had who helped her pursue her idea of using technology.
In conclusion, "technology isn't going away," Mrs. Cassidy says and I agree with her. The better technologically literate I become the better. I have learned so many different techniques to use and sites to get help from and I am truly thankful for technology, otherwise my hand would hurt from writing all of this on paper.
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