Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Friday, March 22, 2013
Blog Post #9
Mr. McChang Volume 4
Are my kids having fun? The most important question a teacher could ask his or herself. Mr. McClung works for the improvement of his students, not for the reputation from his peers. This is something to keep in mind for any teacher. As long as the kids are having fun and learning, there is nothing else to be worried about. I feel the same way as Mr. McClung, and I hope to stay true to my methods of teaching and not let what my peers say or think effect that. He also realized that he depended on his old lesson plans and wasn't as creative as before. This makes me want to make sure to keep my creativity and change going every year that I teach and improve at least one thing every semester. I really enjoy coming up with lesson plans and EDM310 has helped me find many different techniques and ideas to incorporate into my lesson plans.
Mr. McChang (2010-2011)
This year's lessons from McChang were ones I will remember in my future teaching years. He again expresses that one should be more worried about their students liking them than other teachers. Being an outsider is okay. I love the fact that he is close enough to his students that he can sit and chat with them at lunch and he incorporates blogging in his lesson plans! He sounds like the type of teacher I want to be.
Another good key point is "not touching the keyboard." His advice from Mrs. Barron showed him to never take control of a task when teaching something because the students wont be as engaged and won't learn as much. I know when I was trained at my job, some of my co-workers would tell me how to do something but would do it for me, and I would forget how to do it the next time. This is mainly because a lot of people are visual and physical learners. They learn better when they are doing hands-on activities. Keeping your lesson plans constantly changing and starting new tasks are good ways of not getting to comfortable with your teaching routine, which will result in a better school year. Mr. McClung has inspired me to start my own yearly reflective blog in the future!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Blog Post #8
This Is How We Dream: Part 1 and 2
Writing with Multimedia is going to become very important in the future and as teachers, we should know how to use technology and learn how to write with multimedia. Students can prepare research assignments with videos and never have to worry about the library hours or books that have been checked out. The information will be more available and easier to get a hold of since it's coming from the internet. Videos can increase the knowledge of topics because it can be more visualized rather than just a bunch of written text. I believe Writing with Multimedia is crucial for our students futures.
Am I prepared to write with multimedia? Yes, because I understand the importance of learning to write with multimedia. On the other hand, I'm still learning several different tools and places to find relevant information over the web. By the end of the semester I will hopefully be fully prepared and ready to always write with multimedia.
Will my students be able to do this? Yes! I will share all the information I have learned with them and get them ready for their futures. They will be able to use it for school projects and even when they enter the professional work field after college.M y students will be well prepared, know how to think critically, and be able to use technology to learn on their own.
Carly Pugh
Carly's answer to the "design-an-assignment" blog post uses Youtube videos to create a playlist that expresses her ideas and techniques as a teacher. I think this idea is close to Mr. Miller's dream of writing with multimedia. Instead of writing a paper on her ideas about teaching, she show them through a collection of videos that match her outlook on teaching. I usually use Youtube to learn new things, and for research. I think the playlist is a great idea! I may even create my own playlist one day. It will let me show other teachers, students, and peers what I believe.
The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies
These videos were quirky and different. They put a funny, realistic outlook on viewpoints in EDM310. To be successful in EDM310, you must do your work on time and not procrastinate. The EDM310 for Dummies video showed how we felt about the first few weeks of this course. I have stressed a lot over this class trying to get everything done on time, but I don't have that problem anymore because I've figured out when and the ways to do these assignments. I've taught myself how to use devices, organize my desktop, and how to access other people's blogs to gather information.
The videos were very creative and fun to watch. I would probably base my video on the nehind the scene work done in class. For example, show all of the assignments due every week, all of the window tabs you must have opened in order to do your work, what types of videos you watch, and a schedule to help you not procrastinate. Personally, I always slpit up my plog post assignment between 2 or 3 days and do my C4T, C4K, and C4C assignments all at the same time. I would aslo show how important it is to check the class blog daily and to always attend required class days. My theme would probably be "The Life of an EDM310 Student."
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
I agree that it's the teacher's responsibility to get students ready for the future and the future will be based around technology. Cell phones, laptops, ect are must have devices now days. I do agree that using computers in a classroom are okay, but I believe cell phones just cause distractions. I also agree that school is just one of the many places children learn. Other places are at home, in the community, museums, and online. There is a classroom based system and we could have a community based system. Schools need to expand their standards of places and subjects to learn. They also need to focus more on creativity and how to use technology in an educational manner. EDM310 is preparing future teachers to express and teach theough technology, multimedia, and a network to all people and schools.
Scavenger Hunt on Web 2.0
Edmodo is a social network where teachers and students can share their ideas and discoveries and even ask questions. After you create your account you can pick which subjects to follow such as professional development, computer technology, social studies, math ect. This network will definitely help my knowledge and tools for expanding my teaching techniques in my classroom. People even share blog posts on how to use technoloy and codes for in the classroom. some of the links I could even share with my students for them to use on their own. Technology is advancing so quickly!
Animoto is a video editing site. It allows you to incorporate video clips, text, and images into one presentation. This could be very useful in the classroom and you could really keep the students attention with all of the different types of media throughout the presentation. Students could also learn to use this site and creatw their own presentations which would spark their creativity and knowledge of technology.
Writing with Multimedia is going to become very important in the future and as teachers, we should know how to use technology and learn how to write with multimedia. Students can prepare research assignments with videos and never have to worry about the library hours or books that have been checked out. The information will be more available and easier to get a hold of since it's coming from the internet. Videos can increase the knowledge of topics because it can be more visualized rather than just a bunch of written text. I believe Writing with Multimedia is crucial for our students futures.
Am I prepared to write with multimedia? Yes, because I understand the importance of learning to write with multimedia. On the other hand, I'm still learning several different tools and places to find relevant information over the web. By the end of the semester I will hopefully be fully prepared and ready to always write with multimedia.
Will my students be able to do this? Yes! I will share all the information I have learned with them and get them ready for their futures. They will be able to use it for school projects and even when they enter the professional work field after college.M y students will be well prepared, know how to think critically, and be able to use technology to learn on their own.
Carly Pugh
Carly's answer to the "design-an-assignment" blog post uses Youtube videos to create a playlist that expresses her ideas and techniques as a teacher. I think this idea is close to Mr. Miller's dream of writing with multimedia. Instead of writing a paper on her ideas about teaching, she show them through a collection of videos that match her outlook on teaching. I usually use Youtube to learn new things, and for research. I think the playlist is a great idea! I may even create my own playlist one day. It will let me show other teachers, students, and peers what I believe.
The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies
These videos were quirky and different. They put a funny, realistic outlook on viewpoints in EDM310. To be successful in EDM310, you must do your work on time and not procrastinate. The EDM310 for Dummies video showed how we felt about the first few weeks of this course. I have stressed a lot over this class trying to get everything done on time, but I don't have that problem anymore because I've figured out when and the ways to do these assignments. I've taught myself how to use devices, organize my desktop, and how to access other people's blogs to gather information.
The videos were very creative and fun to watch. I would probably base my video on the nehind the scene work done in class. For example, show all of the assignments due every week, all of the window tabs you must have opened in order to do your work, what types of videos you watch, and a schedule to help you not procrastinate. Personally, I always slpit up my plog post assignment between 2 or 3 days and do my C4T, C4K, and C4C assignments all at the same time. I would aslo show how important it is to check the class blog daily and to always attend required class days. My theme would probably be "The Life of an EDM310 Student."
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
I agree that it's the teacher's responsibility to get students ready for the future and the future will be based around technology. Cell phones, laptops, ect are must have devices now days. I do agree that using computers in a classroom are okay, but I believe cell phones just cause distractions. I also agree that school is just one of the many places children learn. Other places are at home, in the community, museums, and online. There is a classroom based system and we could have a community based system. Schools need to expand their standards of places and subjects to learn. They also need to focus more on creativity and how to use technology in an educational manner. EDM310 is preparing future teachers to express and teach theough technology, multimedia, and a network to all people and schools.
Scavenger Hunt on Web 2.0
Edmodo is a social network where teachers and students can share their ideas and discoveries and even ask questions. After you create your account you can pick which subjects to follow such as professional development, computer technology, social studies, math ect. This network will definitely help my knowledge and tools for expanding my teaching techniques in my classroom. People even share blog posts on how to use technoloy and codes for in the classroom. some of the links I could even share with my students for them to use on their own. Technology is advancing so quickly!
Animoto is a video editing site. It allows you to incorporate video clips, text, and images into one presentation. This could be very useful in the classroom and you could really keep the students attention with all of the different types of media throughout the presentation. Students could also learn to use this site and creatw their own presentations which would spark their creativity and knowledge of technology.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
C4T #2
Will Richardson Feb 22
In this week's post, Mr Richardson elaborates on the fact that current teachers in the U.S don't intertwine technology into their classrooms. What he doesn't know- which I informed him about- is that the next several generations of teachers will be technologically literate. Thanks to classes like EDM310, we will be ahead of, or at least up to par, with the technology and teaching strategies when we become teachers.
" Mr. Richardson,
My name is Callie Amond and I am a college student at the University of South Alabama. I'm actually in this prerequisite class for my Elementary Education major which is a media class! It's a course where we, the students, learn how to incorporate social media and new technologies into our methods of teaching for when we graduate and become teachers. My professor requires us to post weekly blogs and projects to make us more aware on how to use social media. Yes, I do agree that current school teachers could care less about including technology into their lectures, but there is a lot of change to come! I've learned about several different programs that are useful when teaching students and I plan to use all of them when I become a professional. I'm not exactly sure what the "Common Core" consists of, but I do know that the future teachers of America will be technologically literate! There is hope. I enjoyed reading your blog :)"
Will Richardson Mar 8
This week, Richardson responded to an article by Seymour Papert in 1998. His article was simply stating that digital technology is moving us into a period where learners can learn on their own time. Mr. Richardson explained that we know where we came from, but where will we end up? He also goes to saying we need to find a compromise between "the public good of community school and powerful freedom to learn," and how we extend the freedom.
My comment was simply agreeing with both Pepert's and Richardson's point-of-views. Yes we have advanced in digital technology, but we need to learn how to teach students while using this technology. The freedom part would come from letting students explore the world using their technology and assigning research projects. Richardson more importantly talked about how we could extend the freedoms to those who don't have access to the technology yet. His article really made me think.
In this week's post, Mr Richardson elaborates on the fact that current teachers in the U.S don't intertwine technology into their classrooms. What he doesn't know- which I informed him about- is that the next several generations of teachers will be technologically literate. Thanks to classes like EDM310, we will be ahead of, or at least up to par, with the technology and teaching strategies when we become teachers.
" Mr. Richardson,
My name is Callie Amond and I am a college student at the University of South Alabama. I'm actually in this prerequisite class for my Elementary Education major which is a media class! It's a course where we, the students, learn how to incorporate social media and new technologies into our methods of teaching for when we graduate and become teachers. My professor requires us to post weekly blogs and projects to make us more aware on how to use social media. Yes, I do agree that current school teachers could care less about including technology into their lectures, but there is a lot of change to come! I've learned about several different programs that are useful when teaching students and I plan to use all of them when I become a professional. I'm not exactly sure what the "Common Core" consists of, but I do know that the future teachers of America will be technologically literate! There is hope. I enjoyed reading your blog :)"
Will Richardson Mar 8
This week, Richardson responded to an article by Seymour Papert in 1998. His article was simply stating that digital technology is moving us into a period where learners can learn on their own time. Mr. Richardson explained that we know where we came from, but where will we end up? He also goes to saying we need to find a compromise between "the public good of community school and powerful freedom to learn," and how we extend the freedom.
My comment was simply agreeing with both Pepert's and Richardson's point-of-views. Yes we have advanced in digital technology, but we need to learn how to teach students while using this technology. The freedom part would come from letting students explore the world using their technology and assigning research projects. Richardson more importantly talked about how we could extend the freedoms to those who don't have access to the technology yet. His article really made me think.
Friday, March 1, 2013
PLN Progress Report #1
I chose to use Simbaloo for my PLN. So far it has kept me very organized and all of my resources are easy to find. I have added some websites that I have found over this course and have made my own personal tiles for them such as Popcorn Maker and Flipping The Classroom. Pinterest has become a big part of my PLN. I am always finding cool new ideas and techniques which I can make tiles for in Simbaloo. I plan on finding more information blogs and people to follow for my PLN!
I chose to use Simbaloo for my PLN. So far it has kept me very organized and all of my resources are easy to find. I have added some websites that I have found over this course and have made my own personal tiles for them such as Popcorn Maker and Flipping The Classroom. Pinterest has become a big part of my PLN. I am always finding cool new ideas and techniques which I can make tiles for in Simbaloo. I plan on finding more information blogs and people to follow for my PLN!
Blog Post #7
Randy Pausch Last Lecture

Randy Pausch is very knowledgeable and intelligent. His video Randy Pausch Last Lecture was created for his kids to show them how to live their lives and to teach them important lessons learned throughout life. It made me think about all of the dreams I had as a child and whether I accomplished them or never succeeded. Randy is all about teaching fundamentals, "double fakes", and experience.
Learning and teaching fundamentals are a key factor when dealing with education. As long as you have the basics down, everything else will fall into place eventually. "Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want." Along with this saying, is the meaning "double fake." It's the way of teaching making students think their learning something else. For example, playing football starts out as learning how to tackle, block, catch, and throw. As you conquer these skills and start playing games, you also learn sportsmanship, dedication, and leadership. Always be prepared because luck is where preparation meets opportunity. You never know what you might learn when given a situation.
Randy advised us on how to help others achieve goals in his lecture:
-- Show gratitude
-- Be earnest
-- Don't complain; just work harder
-- Be good at something: it makes you valuable
-- Find the best in everybody
I will definitely keep all of these in the back of my mind when I become a teacher. Randy also talked about never setting a bar for your students. Always tell them they can do better. I remember my teachers' had standards for how we did our work, but they never did say our work was good enough. This taught me to keep working hard and strive to get better every day.
In my opinion, Dr. Pausch's lecture was life changing. Not only did he give great advise, he gave his personal experiences in life and showed how they effected him. This video has made me appreciate life more and to really think about how and what I teach my students so they can learn the most knowledge possible in the least amount of time. He was a great role model and I'm sure he changed many lives.

Randy Pausch is very knowledgeable and intelligent. His video Randy Pausch Last Lecture was created for his kids to show them how to live their lives and to teach them important lessons learned throughout life. It made me think about all of the dreams I had as a child and whether I accomplished them or never succeeded. Randy is all about teaching fundamentals, "double fakes", and experience.
Learning and teaching fundamentals are a key factor when dealing with education. As long as you have the basics down, everything else will fall into place eventually. "Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want." Along with this saying, is the meaning "double fake." It's the way of teaching making students think their learning something else. For example, playing football starts out as learning how to tackle, block, catch, and throw. As you conquer these skills and start playing games, you also learn sportsmanship, dedication, and leadership. Always be prepared because luck is where preparation meets opportunity. You never know what you might learn when given a situation.
Randy advised us on how to help others achieve goals in his lecture:
-- Show gratitude
-- Be earnest
-- Don't complain; just work harder
-- Be good at something: it makes you valuable
-- Find the best in everybody
I will definitely keep all of these in the back of my mind when I become a teacher. Randy also talked about never setting a bar for your students. Always tell them they can do better. I remember my teachers' had standards for how we did our work, but they never did say our work was good enough. This taught me to keep working hard and strive to get better every day.
In my opinion, Dr. Pausch's lecture was life changing. Not only did he give great advise, he gave his personal experiences in life and showed how they effected him. This video has made me appreciate life more and to really think about how and what I teach my students so they can learn the most knowledge possible in the least amount of time. He was a great role model and I'm sure he changed many lives.
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